We Are Captains of Our Own Ship
By Bongi Ngoma
On 22 June 2023, Penryn College had its Penryn Council meeting and after the meeting one of the scholars had the privilege of meeting the captains of the ship (Penryn). One of the key members he met was FNB CEO, Mr Jacques Celliers, who offered great advice to building one’s future, with the two main talking points being the importance of a solid foundation and patience.

After discussions about their lives, the pair stumbled across a fundamental aspect: setting a solid foundation. In most cases, people build their lives with unreliable foundations which may consist of friends when they should consist of God and family. No one knows you better than those who were there in your darkest days and those people help steer you out of troubled waters and in doing so, they help you become a better person. A stable foundation determines how high you can build your building; the more stable the foundation, the greater heights you can reach. Nothing has proven to be more fundamental to construction than a solid foundation that will always remain intact regardless of how many storms the building endures. We live in a world where it has become easy to lose yourself in the midst of struggle or joy, but with a solid foundation, you will always be reminded of who you are and what your purpose initially was.
Construction is a field that requires patience and investment and most supreme buildings have taken time to complete, hence do not be discouraged by the idea of ‘falling behind’ when you see the progress of other buildings as we all use different materials and are on different pieces of land. People often say that “we are all on different journeys,” which is true, no one is in a race with anyone else. We must take one step at a time as life is not about reaching ‘destinations’ but rather improving ourselves with every step, because one never stops seeking better achievements. Comparing your journey to others will result in nothing but self-doubt in all you do. Comparison is a thief of joy, enjoy what you have and you will find the happiness you long for in the midst of all that.
The greatest lessons are learned from those who have come before us and the greatest people out there are those who accepted advice and allowed themselves to grow beyond the limits they may have set for themselves. As we look to the end of 2023 and the dawn of 2024 remember that you are the captains of your ships and the masters of your fate. Only one person needs to say yes in our lives and that is ourselves.
On the Field
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