On Friday, 3 June, 2022, a group of scholars took time out of their busy schedule to
spend time with the children from Millennium Home of Hope in White River. This
place of safety cares for children between the ages of 0 and 4. Children who have
been abandoned or who have been removed from their parental homes for various
reasons, are cared for until more permanent homes are found for them.
Human beings are created to be each other’s keeper. At Millennium, this basic
principle of life became true for us as we got to experience first-hand, the work care-
givers give to children placed in their care. The amazing thing we experienced, is
how human beings have the ability to love and care for babies who are not their own.
This experience will be cherished by the scholars as it exposed us to how privileged
we are - to be raised by biological parents and living with them under the same roof.
At Penryn we are always taught to love and care for fellow human beings; this
enabled us to interact easily with the children and the staff. We truly became ‘One
with the orphanage’ and the experience showed us anew that together we can
achieve great things.
Written by : Unathi Mabaso
